

鄧希平 教授

聯絡電話:03-5715131 ext.42670





  1. 美國 奧克拉荷馬大學 核子工程博士

  1. Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Yuan-Yaw Wei, Shi-Ping Teng★ 2008. Desorption of cesium from granite in synthetic groundwater and seawater and compared to ion-exchange extraction solutions, submitted

  2. Tsing-Hai Wang1, Tsung-Ying Liu2, Chia-Feng Chang2, Ming-Hsu Li3, Jiann-Ruey Chen2, Shi-Ping Teng1,4★ 2008. Induced alterations on surface and structure of montmorillonite at onset of contacting with different salinity solutions, submitted, (NSC 97-NU-7-007-004)

  3. Tsing-Hai Wang1, Tsung-Ying Liu2, Chia-Feng Chang2, Ming-Hsu Li3, Jiann-Ruey Chen2, Shi-Ping Teng1,4★ 2008, Influence of acid activated montmorillonite K-10 on the performance of buffer materials of the radioactive waste repository: activation by using phosphoric acid, submitted, (NSC 97-2221-E-007-066-MY3)

  4. Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Yuan-Yaw Wei, Shi-Ping Teng★ 2008. Effects of pH and concentration on Cs ions sorption and diffusion in crushed granite by using batch and modified capillary method, submitted

  5. Chia-Feng Chang, Tsing-Hai Wang, Cheng-En Hsieh, Shi-Ping Teng, Jiann-Ruey Chen★ 2008. Hydrogen storage in iron/carbon nanopowder composite materials: effect of iron spiked in hydrogen adsorption, submitted (NSC 95-2221-E-007-174-MY3)

  6. Tsing-Hai Wang, Chi-Jung Hsieh, Chia-Feng Chang, Ming-Hsu Li, Jiann-Ruey Chen, Shi-Ping Teng★, 2008, Cesium sorption to montmorillonite in the presence of gallic acid and of benzoic acid solutions, submitted, (NSC 97-NU-7-007-004)

  7. Ming-Hsu Li*, Tsing-Hai Wang, Shi-Ping Teng 2008. Experimental and numerical investigations of effect of column length on retardation factor determination: A case study of cesium transport in crushed granite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Available online 21, May, 2008 (Environmental Science, 2.337, 32/160)

  8. Shih-Chin Tsai, Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Wei, YY., Shi-Ping Teng★ 2007. Cesium adsorption and distribution onto crushed granite under different phycochemical conditions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Available online 20, April, 2008 (Environmental Science, 2.337, 32/160)

  9. Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Shi-Ping Teng★ 2008. Bridging the gap between batch and column experiments: a case study of Cs adsorption on granite under high solid/liquid ratio, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Available online 1, April, 2008 (Environmental Science, 2.337, 32/160)

  10. Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Wen-Chun Yeh, Yuan-Yaw Wei, Shi-Ping Teng★ 2008. Removal of aqueous cesium by adsorption onto local Taiwan laterite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 160, 638-642 (Environmental Science, 2.337, 32/160)

  11. Tsing-Hai Wang, Ming-Hsu Li, Shi-Ping Teng★ 2008. Cs diffusion in local Taiwan laterite with different solution concentration, pH and packing density, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66, 1183-1189 (Nuclear Science, 1.008, 8/31)

  12. Wang, TH., Yeh, WC., Tsai, SC., Jan, Y.L., Teng, SP.,* 2008. Validity of using modified capillary column with larger diameter to study the Cs diffusion in Taiwan locally laterite, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 277, 607-612 (Nuclear Science, 0.499, 18/31)

  13. Jan, YL., Wang, TH., Li, M.H., Tsai, S.C., Wei, Y.Y., Teng, SP.,* 2008. Adsorption of Se(IV) and Se(VI) onto crushed granite: a direct linkage to its internal iron-related minerals, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66, 14-23 (Nuclear Science, 1.008, 8/31)

  1. 放射性廢棄物處置之優質緩衝材料研製 2008-08~2011-07 國科會

  2. 有機物質對鍶銫核種在參考土樣及潛在低放場址周圍土壤吸附行為之影響研究(1/3) 2008-01~2008-12 核研所