

109學年度第一學期 工科所及核工所聯合專題演講時程表

規則說明 (Rules):

  1. There will be approximately 15 seminar talks in this semester. The grade is made up of the reports (90%) (attendance required) and participation by asking questions or critical comments (10%). Report submission without the presence in the class receives 0 points. Throughout this semester, you need to submit at least 13 reports and get A -; in contrast, a total number ≤12 reports results in F for your final grade. Each report needs to have more than 100 words. Bonuses will be given according to active interactions with the speakers; thereby, the accumulation of asking one question to the speaker deserves A and two questions for A+。      

本學期演講預計約 15。出席分數由每週心得報告當作簽到與否決定,如發現有代寫情形,雙方學期成績零分。心得報告至少繳交13次以上,每次至少100個字以上,如此期末成績達到A-。未達13次參加專題演講則期末不及格 F累計與講者互動提問一次成績至A,二次成績至A+。

  1. You need to surrender your report IN PERSON at the exit of the lecture hall after a seminar talk. You are allowed to submit ONE report and disallowed to do it for other students. 


  1. If you are asked by your advisors to attend other presentations/conferences which are not managed by this Colloquium ESS/NES 500000, you can waive to attend the class of the week by filling out the form of alternatives with the agreement from your advisor. Submit the form (by either hard copy or email) to the TAs in the following week of the seminar class.  


  1. The report form and the alternative form will be announced on iLMS/moodle or email to you prior to the evenings of Tuesdays. You will need to bring the hard copy to the class.


  1. Contact TAs for questions:

如有其他問題請聯絡助教: (請依實際選課系所來連絡所屬助教)

 核工所 (NES):  林子祺 吳思嫺 綠能館611  TEL: 35556   e-mail: chi3032512@gapp.nthu.edu.tw

工科所 (ESS):  楊凱翔 工科館519W, Tel: 34288, mail: soldiernbd@gmail.com

工科所 (ESS):  簡林煒 工科館 524W, Tel: 34366, mail: 1104103109@gm.kuas.edu.tw

工科所 (ESS):  蘇倡輝 工科館 524E, Tel: 34366, mail: ch.soh25@gmail.com
