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Rong-Jiun Sheu

Rong-Jiun Sheu Professor 

Address:ESS Building Room 510
Telephone No.:03-5715131 ext.42377
Laboratory:Radiation Protection Lab/Radiation Shielding Lab, Particle Transport Simulation Laboratory


Monte Carlo Method, Programming Languages, Radiation Shielding, Radiation Safety, Radiation Measurement, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering


Radiation Transport Calculations and Applications, Health Physics, Reactor Physics, Medical Physics

Academic Degrees
  1. Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University, Department of Engineering System and Science, Ph.D. 1997-09~2002-05

Journal Articles(*Corresponding author only)
  1. Z.Y. Yang, B.S. Tsai, Y.S. Huang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Simulation of Cosmic Rays Inside an Aircraft: Spectral Perturbation and Dose Reduction Due to Aircraft Structures and Contents”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Published on 24 May 2023).

  2. Y.I. Hsieh, B.L. Lai, A.C. Shiau, H.L. Chen,  R.J. Sheu*, “Shielding Analysis of the Proton Therapy Facility at China Medical University Hospital: Comparison of a Simplified Approach with Monte Carlo Simulations”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Acceptance for Publication on 2022/10/28).

  3. P.W. Fang, Y.I. Hsieh,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparing the Effects of Various (p,xn) Radionuclide Production Routes on Induced Radioactivity in the Concrete Walls of a Cyclotron Vault”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Acceptance for Publication on 2022/10/27).

  4. P.W. Fang, K.W. Wang, Y.I. Hsieh, J.C. Huang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Characteristics of Neutron Production and Concrete Activation in Cyclotron Vaults for Self-shielded and Non-self-shielded Facilities”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 201, 110448 (2022).

  5. W.C. Tsai, W.H. Chu,  R.J. Sheu*, “Ratios of Eye Lens and Hand Equivalent Doses with Whole-body Effective Doses for Operators Performing Interventional Radiological Procedures”, Health Physics, Vol. 123, pp. 257-264 (2022).

  6. P.C. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Separation of Flux/dose Contributions from Multiple Transport Pathways in Monte Carlo Shielding Analyses of a Consolidated Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 208, pp. 723-734 (2022).

  7. Z.Y. Yang, Y.T. Wen, R.J. Sheu*, “Computational Assessment of Single Event Upset Rates for 55 SRAMs Assumed on Board the Aircraft Flying from Taipei to Various Destinations”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 125, pp. 1093-1096 (2021).

  8. Z.Y. Yang,  R.J. Sheu*, “A Comprehensive Approach for Estimating Collective and Average Effective Doses of Galactic Cosmic Radiation Received by Pilots”, Health Physics, Vol. 120, pp. 72-79 (2021).

  9. Z.Y. Yang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Validation of the New NTHU Flight Dose Calculator with the ICRU-84 Reference Data”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 123, pp. 1202-1205 (2020).

  10. B.L. Lai, Y.S. Huang, P.C. Lai, W.H. Chu,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparison of Different Methods for the Shielding Analysis of an AB-BNCT Facility Based on the Be(p,xn) Reaction with 30-MeV Protons”, Applied Radiation Isotopes, Vol. 166, 109351 (2020).

  11. Y.C. Lin, A.Y. Chen,  R.J. Sheu*, “Determining and Comparing Neutron Spectra at Taiwan Photon Source Before and After the Installation of Local Injection Shielding”, Health Physics, Vol. 118, pp. 693-701 (2020).

  12. Z.Y. Yang,  R.J. Sheu*, “An In-depth Analysis of Aviation Route Doses for the Longest Distance Flight from Taiwan”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 168, 108548 (2020).

  13. P.C. Lai, Y.S. Huang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparing the Performance of Two Hybrid Deterministic/Monte Carlo Transport Codes in Shielding Calculations of a Spent Fuel Storage Cask”, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 2018-2025 (2019).

  14. Z.Y. Yang, P.C. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Update and New Features of NTHU Flight Dose Calculator: a Tool for Estimating Aviation Route Doses and Cumulative Spectra of Cosmic Rays in Atmosphere”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 66, pp. 1931-1941 (2019).

  15. Z.Y. Yang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Effects of Flight Route Variation and Great-Circle Approximation on Aviation Dose Assessment for Popular Flights from Taiwan”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 184, pp. 79-89 (2019).

  16. B.L. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Scoping Analysis of Material Activation at a Neutron Capture Therapy Facility Based on the Be(p,xn) Reaction with 30 MeV Protons”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 180, pp. 309-313(2018).

  17. A.L. Li, W.F. Pan,  R.J. Sheu*, “Development, Validation, and Demonstration of the NTHU Flight Dose Calculator”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 180, pp. 134-137 (2018).

  18. W.L. Chen, R.J. Sheu*, “Studies of Cosmic-Ray Muons and Neutrons around a Five-Story Concrete Building”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 179, pp. 233-243 (2018).

  19. Y.C. Lin, A.Y. Chen, J. Liu, K.W. Lee, R.J. Sheu*, “Determination of Neutron Spectrum Outside the Lateral Shielding of Taiwan Photon Source using High-sensitivity Bonner Cylinders”, EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 153, 03012 (2017).

  20. B.L. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Shielding Analyses of an AB-BNCT Facility using Monte Carlo Simulations and Simplified Methods”, EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 153, 07023 (2017).

  21. K.W. Lee,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparing Two Measurements of the Same Cosmic-Ray Neutron Spectrum using Standard Bonner Spheres and High-Sensitivity Bonner Cylinders”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 177, pp. 450-457 (2017).

  22. U. Oparaji, Y.H. Tsai, Y.C. Liu, K.W. Lee, E. Patelli,  R.J. Sheu*, “Spectral Correction Factors for Conventional Neutron Dose Meters Used in High-Energy Neutron Environments – Improved and Extended Results Based on a Complete Survey of All Neutron Spectra in IAEA-TRS-403”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 175, pp. 87-95 (2017).

  23.  R.J. Sheu*, C.H. Chuang, Y.M. Ferng, O. Feynberg, “Neutronics and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analyses for a Natural Circulation Loop of Molten Fuel Salt”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 115, pp. 1276-1278 (2016).

  24. H.X. Lin, W.L. Chen, Y.H. Liu,  R.J. Sheu*, “Characteristics and Application of Spherical-type Activation Detectors in Neutron Spectrum Measurements of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Facilities”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 811, pp. 94-99 (2016).

  25.  R.J. Sheu*, M.H. Lee, J. H. Liang, “Quantifying the Effects of Depletion Parameters on the PWR Spent Fuel Reactivity Based on Nuclide Sensitivity Coefficients”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 87, pp. 126-136 (2016).

  26. Y.C. Hsu, B.L. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Neutron Yield and Induced Radioactivity: a Comparison of 235-MeV Proton and 3-GeV Electron Accelerators”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 168, pp. 124-133 (2016).

  27. Y.S. Huang, P.C. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, “Surface dose rates of the spent fuel dry storage cask system at the first nuclear power plant in Taiwan”, International Journal of Nuclear Safety and Simulation, Vol. 6, pp. 212-217 (2015).

  28. Y.C. Liu, K.W. Lee,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparing Dose Rates near a Radioactive Patient Evaluated using Various Source Models: Point, Line, Cylinder, and Anthropomorphic Phantoms”, Health Physics, Vol. 109, pp. 69-77 (2015).

  29. B.L. Lai,  R.J. Sheu*, U.T. Lin, “Shielding Analysis of Proton Therapy Accelerators: a Demonstration using Monte Carlo-generated Source Terms and Attenuation Lengths”, Health Physics (Operational Radiation Safety), Vol. 108, Suppl. 2, pp. S84-S93 (2015).

  30. K.W. Lee,  R.J. Sheu*, “Spectral Correction Factors for Conventional Neutron Dose Meters Used in High-Energy Neutron Environments”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 164, pp. 210-218 (2015).

  31. K.P. Lin,  R.J. Sheu*, S.H. Jiang, “Actinide inventory in Herndon’s georeactor operating throughout geologic time”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 77, pp. 361-368 (2015).

  32. Y.C. Lin,  R.J. Sheu*, A.Y. Chen, “Responses of Conventional and Extended-Range Neutron Detectors in Mixed Radiation Fields around a 150-MeV Electron LINAC”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 770, pp. 57-63 (2015).

  33. W.L. Chen, S.H. Jiang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Cosmic-Ray Neutron Simulations and Measurements in Taiwan”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 161, pp. 303-306 (2014).

  34. K.W. Lee, M.C. Yuan, S.H. Jiang,  R.J. Sheu*, “Comparing Standard Bonner Spheres and High-Sensitivity Bonner Cylinders”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 161, pp. 233-236 (2014).

  35. Y.C. Lin, K.W. Lee, A.Y. Chen, C.R. Chen, C.C. Liu,  R.J. Sheu*, “Development of high-sensitivity neutron detectors and measurements at the TPS LINAC”, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 648-652 (2014).

  36. A.Y. Chen, Y.C. Lin,  R.J. Sheu*, “A Study of Beam Loss Pattern and Dose Distribution around the TPS LINAC during Beam Commissioning”, Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 160-164 (2014).

  37.  R.J. Sheu*, C.C. Chao, O. Feynberg, Y.-W.H. Liu, “A fuel depletion analysis of the MSRE and three conceptual small molten-salt reactors for Mo-99 production”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 71, pp. 111-117 (2014).

  38. M.H. Chiang, J.Y. Wang,  R.J. Sheu*, Y.W. H. Liu, “Evaluation of the HTTR Criticality and Burnup Calculations with Continuous-energy and Multigroup Cross Sections”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 271, pp. 327-331 (2014).

  39. M.J. Wang, R.J. Sheu*, J.J. Peir, J.H. Liang, “Criticality calculations of the HTR-10 pebble-bed reactor with SCALE6/CSAS6 and MCNP5”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 64, pp. 1-7 (2014).

  40.  R.J. Sheu*, B.L. Lai, U.T. Lin, S.H. Jiang, “Source Terms and Attenuation Lengths for Estimating Shielding Requirements or Dose Analyses of Proton Therapy Accelerators”, Health Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 128-139 (2013).

  41. Y.F. Chen, Y.F. Chiou, S.J. Chang, S.H. Jiang, R.J. Sheu*, “Effects of Source and Geometry Modeling on the Shielding Calculations for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Cask”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 182, pp. 224-234 (2013).

  42.  R.J. Sheu*, C.H. Chang, C.C. Chao, Y.-W.H. Liu, “Depletion analysis on long-term operation of the conceptual Molten Salt Actinide Recycler & Transmuter (MOSART) by using a special sequence based on SCALE6/TRITON”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 53, pp. 1-8 (2013).

  43.  R.J. Sheu*, Y.F. Chen, U.T. Lin, S.H. Jiang, “Deep-penetration calculations in concrete and iron for shielding of proton therapy accelerators”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Vol. 280, pp. 10-17 (2012).

  44. Y.F. Chen,  R.J. Sheu*, S.H. Jiang, J.N. Wang, U.T. Lin, “Surface Dose Rate Calculations of a Spent Fuel Storage Cask by using MAVRIC and Its Comparison with SAS4 and MCNP”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 175, pp. 343-350 (2011).

  45.  R.J. Sheu*, Y.F. Chen, S.H. Jiang, J.N. Wang, U.T. Lin, “Dose Evaluation for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation using MAVRIC”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 175, pp. 335-342 (2011).

  1. National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, Professor, 2015-08~

  2. National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, Director, 2016-08~2022-07

  3. National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, Associate Professor, 2011-02~2015-07

  4. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Radiation Safety System of the Taiwan Photon Source, Project Leader, 2007-01~2011-01

  5. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Radiation and Operation Safety Division, Division Head, 2006-01~2007-07

  6. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Radiation and Operation Safety Division, Associate Scientist, 2005-01~2011-01

  7. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Radiation and Operation Safety Division, Assistant Scientist, 1993-07~20104-12

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