香港城市大學 Prof. Takashi Hibiki 誠徵 postdoc

香港城市大學 Prof. Takashi Hibiki 誠徵 postdoc

Available Position :
The JC STEM Laboratory of Innovative Thermo-Fluid Science is seeking Ph.D. students, postdocs, and research scientists who conduct innovative two-phase flow research under the supervision of Professor Takashi Hibiki.

待遇: The salary information is as follows.
§ The maximum monthly allowance is HK$20,000 for research talents with a bachelor degree, HK$23,000 for those with a master degree, and HK$35,000 for those with a doctoral degree.
§ An additional monthly living allowance of $10,000 to research talents with a doctoral degree under the RTH for a maximum of 36 months.

地點: 香港CityU

參考網址(Prof. Hibiki):

意者洽: Prof. Takashi Hibiki, E-mail:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Room P5622, 5/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
83 Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
TEL +852-3442-8392
FAX +852-3442-0235 (Department Office)